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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

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Be Active & Keep Well

There is a strong connection between the body and the mind.  Regular exercise helps to reduce stress and anxiety, raises self-esteem, reduces the risk of depression, helps clarity of thought and can also assist you in making social connections.  

Click on the links below:

Stop smoking to make sure you are fit for exercise

Find a sport for you or your family to take up

Eat a balanced diet to help maintain an active lifestyle

Download Apps for your phone to support your health


Days out with family or friends


St Mary's Catholic Primary School Woodside Way Northampton Northamptonshire NN5 7HX

Telephone: 01604 581011

[email protected]

Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust, C/o St Thomas More Secondary School, Tyne Crescent, Bedford, Mk41 7UL