St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

When a child leaves St Mary’s Catholic Primary School at 11 years old, we ask ourselves what has their experience been, have they enjoyed school life and their learning, and how have we impacted on each individual’s life? Have we prepared the children academically, socially, morally, and spiritually for the next step of their journey? Have we fed their curiosity in order for them to become life-long learners? More importantly, have we set them on the right path, forward in faith, following in the footsteps of Jesus?

As a school community we reflected on the above questions with the intention of creating an authentic curriculum that is personal to the unique needs of the children in our school, whilst also being in line with national expectations. We decided that having key threads running through our topics as a backbone to how and what we teach was essential. These would ‘drive’ learning forwards and become the ‘drivers’ for St Mary’s curriculum.


Curriculum Intent

At St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, our curriculum is underpinned by a Catholic education based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, in which the values of the Gospel underpin all aspects of school life. We insist on the highest standards of academic achievement so that our young people leave us as ‘agents of change’ – educated and caring people who have the knowledge and skills they need to flourish as human beings and make the world a better place. We are committed to our mission and to raising standards, to provide an excellent Catholic education for every child in our care.

We want our children to develop a love of learning by being aspirational, become resilient individuals, show compassion for others and have an awareness of the world they live in.

Therefore, equipping them with the skills to live positive, productive and fulfilling lives. These drivers are threaded through all aspects of our school Curriculum.

To enable our children to be successful they require a strong grasp of the basic skills and therefore we place great emphasis on: spoken language, reading and number skills.

The knowledge of our children and the context in which they live have shaped what we believe is an exciting, innovative and creative curriculum, providing equality of opportunities to counter relative disadvantage/different starting points and meeting the needs of all our learners. Our curriculum has high expectations to combine transferable skills, demonstrate a breadth of vocabulary and develop strong cross curricular links.

To empower excellence in children, we believe that we need to work in partnership with parents and the community to achieve this. We also engage local and wider community members as ‘experts’ to support thematic learning experiences.


Awareness and Compassion:

  • The Gospel Values underpin all aspects of school life.
  • The Prayer life of the school is central to our being and compassion for others is acknowledged through our good deeds, prayers and charity works.
  • Our curriculum promotes stewardship enabling our children to develop an awareness of the wider world and their role as global citizens.
  • Our curriculum provides opportunities for our children to be agents of change and to make a positive difference to the world in which they live.


  • Our curriculum has an uncompromising focus on the development and application of phonics and reading, writing and mathematics skills.
  • A focus on Early Language acquisition with Welcomm and NELI programmes being delivered in the Reception Class.
  • Key vocabulary and the use of the correct terminology is actively promoted thus giving the children the words they need to articulate their learning and understanding.
  • The school uses a consistent application of its language for learning:

“We are Learning….”  “Stars to success…”  “Challenge…” and “Key Vocabulary”

  • The daily reading of a class novel by the teacher after break is a non-negotiable and a key feature of our school, giving the children access to hearing a range of good quality texts.
  • Develops children as leaders by valuing children’s voices and individual contributions and offering a range of opportunities to develop their leadership skills e.g. roles of Prefects; Schools Council; Sports Leaders; Librarians and through responsibilities given in their class.


  • Our positive rewards policy provides many opportunities for children to be recognised for exceptional effort.
  • Pupils are encouraged to be pupil leaders and are given opportunities to develop leadership skills: Play leaders, librarians, Science Ambassadors, Eco Stewards etc.
  • PHSE Curriculum tracks and supports pupil resilience.

The curriculum is delivered through a variety of teaching and learning styles to ensure that the learning experience is motivating and challenging.  In this way each child has the experience of working independently and co-operatively­ in a variety of situations and is given the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.

We offer a range of lunchtime and after school clubs, plus a range of additional curriculum events which further extend our children’s learning opportunities.

As a Catholic school, Religious Education at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School forms an integral part of our overall curriculum, in addition to being a subject taught in its own right.  In essence it is at the core of all we do and what we are about.

The subjects detailed below give you a whole school overview of the curriculum areas that are delivered throughout your child’s schooling.  Each Class Teacher provides a curriculum newsletter to provide you with more detail about the content of the teaching and learning.  You are welcome to talk to your child’s class teacher if you wish to receive further information about the curriculum we are delivering.


Religious Education and Worship

St Mary's Catholic Primary School places great emphasis on establishing a caring community of faith in which each individuals can receive and live the Gospel message, they can learn to love God and consider and care for others as they care for themselves.

The pupils follow a Catholic religious education programme called “Come and See”.  In addition to this there are daily acts of collective worship, regular masses and children’s liturgies.  Children of other faiths feel happy to take part in a range of prayerful activities and forms of worship. Children take a very active part in Mass. There are also opportunities for class assemblies throughout the year. Parents and friends are always invited.

In association with their own parish, the children are prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation and First Holy Communion in Year 3.  Parents are expected to attend parish based meetings and preparation masses to show their commitment to supporting the development of their children’s faith.  The school co-operates closely with the local parishes and the clergy make regular visits to the school. In addition, we employ a trust chaplain who ensures the integration of faith within the school, being available to the children across our trust.

As part of our teaching we also encourage the pupils to show respect and understanding for those who practice other faiths and beliefs. This is demonstrated with visits to other places of worship, such as the local synagogue, as well as visits by individuals practising other faith denominations.*



English forms the core of learning and embraces the development of spoken English, reading, listening skills and writing.  The children are taught in accordance with the National Curriculum, which ensures that reading and writing are taught on a daily basis.

Being able to read is the most important skill a student will learn. Reading has far reaching implications for lifelong confidence and well-being.  At St Mary's we aim for the children to become fluent, independent and comprehending readers who truly enjoy their experience­ with books.  We are aware that learning to read is challenging for some of our pupils and as a result have introduced Read, Write Inc. a synthetic phonics programme that provides a systematic approach to teaching reading in Key Stage 1.

As a school we also ask that parents play an active role in the development of their child's reading by listening to them frequently, this is rewarded through our weekly reading raffle. Each child has a Reading Record Book and we ask that parents record details and comments on the reading that has taken place at home.  Hearing your child read is beneficial throughout their primary education, not just for the first few years.

We have a good selection of books in the school library, which offer all children the opportunity to read a range of lively and appropriately challenging materials with fluency, accuracy, understanding and enjoyment. 

The development of writing is equally valued within the school. From Year 1 onwards, children are taught the principles of Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar (SPAG) to provide the technical foundation of their writing. This is then applied through a variety of genres to develop a broader knowledge of styles and features. In addition, St Mary's have recently been focusing on children developing their cursive handwriting to ensure children write accurately and coherently.

Skills taught within literacy are reinforced and consolidated throughout all curriculum subjects.



Mathematical skills are taught in a structured way on a daily basis.  We aim to cater for the individual needs and abilities of each child by providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills and understanding so that they may confidently come to terms with the mathematical needs of the future.

Pupils are helped to develop skills and knowledge with the emphasis on: practical application, especially in the early stages; a positive attitude towards mathematics as an interesting and attractive subject in which the children will gain success and pleasure. It is our aim to support children in becoming fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time. The children are encouraged to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems on a regular basis and in different contexts. It is important for pupils to develop the ability to think logically, clearly and to work systematically. At St Mary's we feel it is important to involve parents by providing differentiated homework when appropriate.



At St Mary's, science is about developing children's ideas and ways of working that enable them to make sense of the world in which they live through investigation and using applying process skills.

We mainly teach science through units of work and cross-curricular links, placing a great emphasis on practical hands-on experience. Children are taught the skills of observation, measuring, predicting, hypothesising, experimenting, communicating and interpreting through a variety of scientific explorations. All work is approached through topics at each Key Stage and where possible links are made with other aspects of the curriculum. Throughout their time at St Mary's children will regularly build on their knowledge across the four main areas of science:

  1. Scientific enquiry, which is taught through contexts taken from;
  2. Life processes and living things
  3. Materials and their properties
  4. Physical processes

Fun and relevant experiences allow pupils to plan their own investigations, in order to become familiar with the principles and procedures of scientific experiments.


History, Geography, Design technology and Art and Design

These subjects are delivered through both discreet and cross-curricular Learning projects, which provide a rich menu of exciting and motivating learning activities that make creative links between all aspects of our children’s learning.  We believe children learn better when they are encouraged to use their imagination and apply their learning to engaging contexts. Our curriculum provides a variety of learning challenges throughout the academic year that require children to solve problems, apply themselves creatively and express their knowledge and understanding effectively across the curriculum.

Learning is further enhanced through field study and visits.


Children with Special Educational Needs

Some children may require extra help at specific times during their education, either with learning or behavioural issues.  We have effective systems in place so that specific needs can be identified as soon as possible and appropriate support given.



St Mary's Catholic Primary School aims to ensure that all our pupils can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation. They are encouraged to analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems. It is our ultimate aim to enable children to be responsible, confident and creative users of information and communication technology. We achieve this by delivering the Purple Mash Scheme of work.


Music is delivered on a weekly basis 

We seek to develop both appreciation and creativity in the children’s experience with music in the school.  We have a choir who represent the school at various events during the year.  The school is able to offer violin tuition for pupils in Key Stage 2, through Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts (NMPAT) we offer a progressive and interactive programme of study learning to play instruments.  Year 4 and 5 children are also involved in an instrumental Project in the summer term, which is also provided by Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts (NMPAT).


Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship

We believe that children should be encouraged to behave responsibly, to work and play co-operatively and have a respect for the people around them and the world in which we live.  We want the pupils to lead confident and independent lives. Pupils are taught a range of concepts to promote their knowledge and understanding of what is acceptable and not acceptable within society, through a variety of topics.

Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities that contribute­ to the wider school community, preparing them for the responsibilities of citizenship.  We have various opportunities for pupil leadership including: Eco Stewards, Peacemakers and a mission team. We also have a School Council and they regularly discuss and co-ordinate events and activities which contribute to the development of the school, such as fundraising for specific school equipment requested by the children.

We also offer a range of trips and excursions for pupils to participate in. Recent trips have included: 

  • A residential trip to Alton castle
  • Theatre trips including "The Royal Opera House" in London
  • Visits to local Residential Homes
  • Cathedral/Church visits
  • Walks to the local shops/parks
  • Museum visits

Physical Education

At St Mary’s, we aim to encourage physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, as well as a sense of motivation, fair play, following rules and working as a team.

We offer physical activity through a varied programme of PE.  This encompasses games, athletic skills, gymnastics and dance. Children in Key Stage 2 also participate in swimming. Each year we compete in sporting events against other schools in the county, these have included football, basketball, netball, rounders, gymnastics and indoor athletics.

  We want all children to experience achievement­, satisfaction and enjoyment from Physical Education.  The school also strives to celebrate pupils’ achievements through an annual sports day. 


Relationships Education

There is a formal programme of sex and relationship education at St Mary's Catholic Primary School.  The content of the programme adheres to the teaching of the Catholic Church and the requirements of the National Curriculum. Parents are kept informed and the policy is regularly reviewed. Materials used are shown to parents before the course begins.

Parents have the right to withdraw their children from Sex Education aspect of Relationships Education lessons except those which form part of the National Curriculum science requirements.