St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic Primary School

At St Mary's we expect all of our children to adhere to our uniform policy. The rationale for all pupils wearing uniforms is as follows: 

  • It enhances our school spirit and identity. We want to promote a sense of belonging and pride in our school community.
  • It promotes equality and inclusivity and reduces the visibility of any economic disparities.
  • It reduces peer pressure and the potential for bullying.
  • When everyone wears the same uniform, there is less pressure to conform to trends in fashion, or for parents to purchase expensive clothing brands.
  • Improved focus on learning as uniform eliminates any distraction that may be caused by pupils having to make fashion choices. So the focus is on studying rather than appearance.
  • Uniforms promote safety and security, making it easier to identify pupils on and off the premises.
  • Cost savings for families as uniforms are more affordable than a wide variety of everyday clothing.
  • Readiness to learn as uniforms instil a sense of preparedness and discipline. Which prepares pupils for later life.

We offer "pre-loved uniform" service for any families requiring assistance.

Uniform for Reception Class

The children in our Reception Class wear a plain white (non-logo) polo shirt all year round together with the navy school logo jumper for both boys and girls*. Girls may wear a dress in the summer term.

Years 1 - 6

Boys Uniform: 

  • White cotton shirt and tie
  • Navy v-neck sweatshirt inc. school logo
  • Grey school trousers
  • Black or grey socks
  • Black shoes

Optional for Summer Term only: 

  • Short-sleeved white shirt and tie
  • Grey school shorts

Girls Uniform: 

  • White cotton shirt and tie
  • Navy v-neck sweatshirt inc. school logo
  • Either a grey skirt or pinafore or grey school trousers 
  • White socks or navy/black tights
  • Black shoes

Optional for Summer Term only: 

  • Short-sleeved white shirt and tie
  • Navy shoes
  • Blue and white check dress 

Pupils’ hair should be neatly groomed and tidy at all times. Long hair should be tied back neatly. Extreme hairstyles are not appropriate for school.  Children should not have decorative patterns cut into their hair or have hair coloured or dyed.

PE Uniform:

  • Royal blue round-neck school logo t-shirt
  • Navy shorts
  • Black plimsolls
  • Navy school logo hoodie

Outdoor games kit:

  • Black or white trainers
  • Plain navy jogging bottoms

All Pupils

Optional additional item: navy reversible waterproof/fleece jacket 

*girls may choose to wear a sweatshirt cardigan if they wish

Purchasing Uniform:

You can visit the SchoolWear Shop, 40 Abington Square, Northampton, NN1 4AA 

Telephone: 01604 635828